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Saturday, January 2, 2016

R.A. Dickey, Ben Folds, and Candida

Today was the first truly wintery day in Buffalo, NY.  As my husband and I sat in Tim Horton's this morning, it hit us, "it's here".  He made a call up to Niagara University to make sure his staff was on top of the shoveling.  The snow hadn't made it up to Niagara Falls yet.

I had some things I wanted to accomplish this weekend, but didn't.  I didn't go to the gym or work on any arts or crafts, but I did some reading and some research, while continuing in a contest to win tickets to see Ben Folds in Toronto this coming May.

I started a book called Wherever I Wind Up, by Toronto Blue Jays pitcher, R.A. Dickey.  I did this while clicking through Ben Folds music and YouTube videos to get points for a a contest I'm taking part in.  Multitasking!  I whipped through two chapters of the book.  Chapter 2, outlining Dickey's horrific experience in 4th grade helped me put things into perspective in terms of things I went though as a kid.  It made me realize how we all face adversities in life.  I had to put the book down after that chapter... I'm eager to get back to it soon.

I did some research on candida imbalances and am going to spit in a glass of water tomorrow morning to see if I have too much yeast in me.  After reading about Candida and how bad yeast is for people, I realized it couldn't hurt to detox and completely change my diet.  Initially, I was just researching natural ways to treat dystonia, but found that many of the things that a Candida detox can achieve may help me out with ASD as well as other related disorders and/or symptoms.  I showed my husband a link from Dr. Oz, and he agreed he may be experiencing some symptoms of a candida imbalance as well.  I'll write about testing myself for candida tomorrow.

My legs are still very sore from two days of working out, but I am eager to get back to the gym, make a mason jar for a coworker who lost his mother-in-law, do some laundry and some grocery shopping.  I also need to get the movie Therese (2012) to my grandmother.  I preferred the '86 French version of my favorite little Saint, but it was $65 to buy the DVD on Amazon!  My grandma won't watch movies with subtitles anyway, so it's just as well.  I also need to continue the Ben Folds contest "sigh".  There will be 11 days left.  I have 33% of the raffle tickets.  I've come so far, it seems ridiculous to give up at this stage in the game.  Glad I still have off from Life Teen tomorrow!  This week has been just crazy.  Back to work on Monday.  I don't like Mondays...

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